Sunday, April 12, 2015

Times of trial and moments of peace‏

I love the PPM(Pennsylvania Philadelphia Mission). It truly is the best mission in the world. We have such inspired leaders and this past Zone Training I learned some things that have changed not only my mission but my entire life as well. I would thank Elder Lee and Elder Timmerman for their inspired zone training and allowing the spirit to fill the room. We learned about obedience. I have learned about this subject many times on my mission. I love obedience. I always want to be obedient and I'm not much of a rule breaker. My perspective has changed. They talked about the difference between "I'm not disobedient" and "I am obedient". They talked about the line between right and wrong and how we sometime like to be doing "right" but snuggling up to that line between the two. But that is not where happiness is. It comes when we are obedient as possible! Wickedness never was happiness. When we build our lives we must build them upon the principles of Christ's gospel then we can be obedient for the rest of our lives (therefore be happy). I have never had more peace of mind than at this time. 

This week was a rough one for the branch. Brother Luke Calcraft, a young father and recent convert, died of anaphelactic shock this week. We got the call to fast and pray on Monday night, when he got stung by the bee and he passed away on Friday morning. The Branch was devastated. The wife of Brother Calcraft still attended church and attended to her calling. I was amazed to see her strength and faith. People are amazing when they have faith in Jesus Christ and Heavenly Fathers plan for them. This past testimony meeting was definitely one full of tears. 

My companions are one of a kind. Sister Earl was on fire when were looking for some unknowns on the branch list. She was talking to everyone. Sister Simmons and I are lucky to be her companion.Then again Sister Simmons has what we call "golden fire". She is so ready to work and improve and Sister Earl and I are lucky to be her companion. We are all just lucky haha. 

Our investigators Keith and Jeff took us out to dinner with the Glasers Friday night. It was so sweet of them and they kept saying "you can have anything you want". They don't have much but they are so willing to give. Our investigator Rich is getting baptized next Sunday!! He told us in one of his lessons that he can't sleep some nights because he is so excited. He also was talking to us about how by the time the Philly temple is done he will be able to go in. He is so solid!

This week was one full of miracles and learning and tears. I love this great work and know the Lord is truly over it. I'm so grateful for the friends and family that I have in my life. Even if they got to my favorite place in the world without me.... have fun in London Margarette, Katie, and Mom! Nevertheless, I love you :)

Sister Zeller

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