Sunday, April 12, 2015

Promptings and Explosions

February 24, 2015


This week felt like the shortest week of my mission. Some very exciting and wonderful things happened:

1. Had exchanges with the Stroudsburg sisters ( my first area) and I was with Sister Kinghorn ( a sister I came out with). It was so awesome to be back. Since I've been gone the ward has separated into 3 different wards. That night we went to the church and it was institute and mutual night. I walked through the doors and there he was! Daniel, my first baptism! He isn't even in that ward. He just happened to be there. Honestly, I almost gave him a hug but I constrained myself and stuck out my hand. It was SO good to see him. He is slowly but surely preparing for a mission. I got to see quite a few more of my favorite people. I will never forget that moment. 

While I was there I got to ask about many people that I worked with and give the missionaries some names to go see. I was really trying to figure out why God would send me back to two of my areas on exchanges. The Stroudsburg sisters told me that a random door that I had knocked on almost a year ago exactly, they have been working with. She has read the Book of Mormon and knows it's true. So another idea I had about why God did this is he knew I need the confirmation that obedience to those little promptings brings miracles sometimes way way way In the future. 

2. We had a conference yesterday in Broomall where Elder Evans of the 1st quorum of the seventy and Elder Allen of the 5th Quorum of the seventy addressed us. This mission got iPads 1 year ago and we have been "test dummies" so they can see all the quirks and get things ready to implement in most of the other missions. It was also the first time in 5 years the entire mission was together at one time. We received new guideline draft books that described how to proselyte online. We are the first mission on the earth to have received this training. Pretty cool. It was not just how to work online though. They brought it to the level of safeguarding us from the evils online for the rest of our lives. It was intense and amazing. I received so many answers to my prayers. It was definitely worth 4 hours of driving. 
We are getting new devices and our face books are being disabled until we go through all of the new phases. I am so EXCITED!!!! ( especially about not having to deal with Facebook for a while). 

3. Church on Sunday, again, was spectacular! I sang with the choir ( my comp. is sick so I had to be up there by myself:(), then the Bishop surprised me by calling me up to bare my testimony, and then I gave the closing prayer too. I was quite involved you could say. 
Relief society is where it's at! Every time I am in there I am constantly writing down so much revelation. Everyone in there is so converted. It's like a river flow of knowledge. 

I will share one story a sister shared about her sister in Boston or somewhere cold. Can't remember:

It was a snow storm. She got the prompting to visit her neighbor. She pushed it off. Again she got the prompting, this time she followed it. Suited up and trudged her way to her neighbors. After the visit she was on her way home. She looked up at her house and was puzzled. She has a new age kind of house where she has multiple fireplaces that hold up the home. There always has to be a fire going in them. She noticed that the smoke was white instead of black. She asked her husband and he called the experts. The expert called for assistance immediately. Apparently, the reason it was white was because it was slowly burning the insulation in their house. In a short time the house would've exploded. The expert was interested to know how they noticed because usually nothing seems amiss to the house owners until it's too late. 
I know that sometimes Heavenly Father gives us prompting for completely different reasons than we expect. Often times they happen  when we are willing to get up and serve others. We just have to trust Him. 

I love this ward and my companion! I love being a missionary! I love how real repentance is. Sometimes I find it easy to get on myself about everything I'm doing wrong. But I know the promise in Moroni 6:8 is real. I love this Gospel and the chance Heavenly Father has given me to truly change in this life and be worthy to live with him again. I'm so grateful for Jesus Christ and His willingness to perform the Atonement. 

I love you all too,
Sister Zeller

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