Monday, April 20, 2015

Last email!

April 20, 2015

Cats out of the bag...

This is my last email...

I could be sad but I'm not. I am just the opposite. I am overjoyed that it was in the Lords plan for me to go on a mission. What a wonderful 18 months it has been. I could not be happier!

I could not be more grateful for the time I have spent in the PPM. I have grown so much and loved much more than I thought possible. The more I reflect, the more I see how much I've become the person I had hoped at the beginning. I am so happy I can say that. 
I love these people. I will pray for them. I will remember them. 
I love these missionaries. I will pray for them. I will remember them. 
I've had 10 companions, 5 areas. Each so inspired. 

It was not easy. Far from it. Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically draining.
I have felt my heart literally break and I have cried more than I care to admit. I have been stretched and pushed. That's the risk you have to be willing to make in the service of the Lord and it so worth it. 

Jesus Christ has saved me. He has delivered me from negative thoughts, agonizing pain, feelings of hopelessness and regret, danger, confusion, inadequacy, and falsehood. 

He has given me hope, joy, comfort, motivation, pure love, encouragement, and steps to improve. 
He has given me everything and because he has given me everything I must serve Him for the rest of my existence. 

The rules and expectations of my mission have become a part of me. I do them because I feel they are what is best and because I Love God. I am bold because I want other to know the truth clearly. I am loving because that is the essence of the gospel. I am virtuous because I want to stand pure before the Lord. 
I say these things with all my heart. 

I feel I have learned what He has wanted me to learn. I feel I have become what He has desired me to become. I feel I have helped those whom I was meant to help. I have given this my all. 

I know the journey is not over and I cannot wait to continue! The future is bright and I am ready to keep moving onward and upward. 
The most important thing at this point is to always " retain in remembrance" the things which I have learn. 
God is truly there. I know it. I love him. 

Thank you everyone for being so supportive and for the prayers. I have had so many good examples in my life to follow. 

But a special thank you to my mom, dad, and brothers and sisters. All of the words of encouragement helped me push a little further and face my fears! 

Thank you!

I love you and see you soon!

Sister Zeller

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Slow down time! Sheesh!

April 13, 2015


Time is not my friend but I am definitely grateful for it. 

What a wonderful amazing miracle filled week!

I went on 2 exchanges, one with Sister Hepworth in Montrose and the other with the sister Kraft who is serving in Bethlehem. They were awesome. It's crazy how many lessons and things sister Kraft and I experienced in 24 hours. To top it off it was in my area :) the exchange in Montrose however was exactly the opposite. We tracted the entire day in the rain! It was awesome. #missionlifeissogood
There is this house they drive by on their way to their apartment with the most annoying dogs on the planet who relentlessly bark. There is 3 of them. All the same breed. We had some time before and I really wanted to knock on that house. I said " Sister Hepworth, don't even look at the dogs. Just keep walking like they are not even there and they won't bite you". We said a prayer and went for it. Those dogs were circling us and barking crazy! I thought they were going to bite our legs off! But they didn't touch us. No one answered the door. We left the property unscathed. 
It was such a cool experience.

Another miracle!
We just got out of an appointment and we really needed to get some stuff done at the apartment. We had been trying to contact these potentials for my 2 transfers here in Nazareth. I had the thought to go and knock. We went for it. They were home AND let us in! Their son Christian, who is about to head off to school wanted to know more about other religions. We taught them the restoration and they agreed with most of it. They are open to learning more and it's so exciting. 

We had ward conference on Sunday. It was so great! It was even better because my first Zone leader from England was visiting the ward so I got to see him! He was there at the beginning of my mission and at the end. Kind of neat. 

Blessings of missionary work= sacrafice. Because of ward conference and everything we had barely anytime. I ate at 7:30 am and then had lunch at 5pm..... I love being a missionary. 

Also, a less active who hasn't come to church in years texted us during general conference and said she wants to go to the temple. We met with her this week and taught her. She said she will come back to church in the next month. I am so happy for her! 

The church is so true! I'm grateful for the witness I've received from the spirit. Jesus Christ has done so much for me. I have so many flaws and weaknesses yet he has given me a chance to progress. I can't let him down! 

I love you all,
Have an amazing week!! I know I will :)
Sister Zeller

Exchange in Montrose with Sister Hepworth on the far right and Sister Robison with the other bowl. They are solid missionaries.


After Scranton Zone Training


Sunday, April 12, 2015


April 6, 2015


Happy Easter!!!!
How do you feel? I feel amazing! General conference was quite the
experience. I was hanging on to every word. We watched every session
at the church. All but one session was just missionaries there. It was
kind of cool. I can't wait to start studying the talks and using them.
They always transform the way I see life.

We had exchanges this week with the Tunkhannock sisters. We were way
up in the middle of no where. Many people from New York and Jersey
call it Pennsyltucky instead of Pennsylvania. After coming to this
area I understand why. The Susquehanna river ( where Joseph Smith was
Baptized and received the Priesthood) went right through the middle of
their area. It was pretty neat.

We had zone conference on Wednesday and those are always very
spiritual and so much fun! Most of the missionaries I had never seen
before. I got to bare my testimony at the end with some of the sisters
I came out with. I was surprised I didn't cry- just very calm and

Yesterday was an amazing day! We started off the day by helping a
member out with a musical number for her sons baptism. A bunch of
families from the ward were there and we had some brunch. After we
went to another members who, every year, has the missionaries over for
a crepe party. I was so full... No more food for me please.

After conference we had the privilege of going over to a less actives
house. She is a single mother of a little girl and her non member
cousin was there too. It was so fun! Little Serenity could not wait to
have us over. She made us place cards and got our drinks. I love
little kids.

One of the most rewarding things to the week was
There is one less active sister in this ward that has made a lot of
progress these past 2 transfer. She has been baptized for 2 years. She
has not understood most of the gospel since she was baptized. Because
of her lack of testimony, hard heart, and a very serious wound she has
needed constant care from the ward ( both for physical and spiritual
needs). the ward is getting tired. She is very selective of who she
trusts and missionaries she likes and by some miracle she trust sister
Barnum and I. We have had to be very very bold and persistent in
helping her correct false doctrine and beliefs. It has been so
draining. But like I said this transfer something changed. Her heart
has finally opened. We started from the beginning to help her grasp
the basic truths. We have made it to prophets.
We have truly needed to be bold. Not because we are " supposed to" as
missionariesbut because understanding the doctrines of the gospel is
vital to her happiness and progression.
I dont have a hard time loving people. It comes naturally. But for her
I found it difficult at first. As we have worked with her my love has
grown immensely. She is changing every week.
We challenged her to think of a question she has and seek the answer
during conference. At first she said she wouldn't do it. Then she said
she is too tired to think of a question and focus. See what I mean?
But the spirit touched her heart. We thought of some questions she had
asked before. That night (Saturday) she called us up so excited " I
got an answer! I got my answer!". She had listened intently all
conference and actually received revelation. I love her. It was so
rewarding to hear the excitement in her voice. People can change.

The joys of missionary work can't accurately be described!
He lives! Because he lives we will never be alone.

Sister Zeller

Ko ni chiwa

March 30, 2015

Hello Everyone!

Life is good. I was extremely exhausted this week. Holy cow. It was a
great week though.
So you know how I was studying hope last week and the week before? I
gained a lot from that study and this week I put it to action( which
is the best part)! I was very full of hope that we were going to find
someone that was ready for the gospel... And guess what?! We found 7
new investigators. 7 wonderful people who are willing to grow their
faith in Jesus Christ. We are elated. But! There are so many more
people waiting to be found and taught the gospel.
Thanks for all the prayers by the way. I will tell you about one of
the investigators we found:

Our district leader doubled in and found a potential investigator
named Kristy. She had just lost someone and was open to a visit. We
stopped by 4 times and no one answered. The prompting came to stop by.
This particular night we had a thunderstorm and Kristy lives on the
sketchiest street in our area. My companion was super hesitant but she
always trusts the promptings I receive. She is pretty awesome. So we
went and Kristy's husband John answered the door. He was so open! He
told us about the hard time he is in and how he is searching. We set
up a time for this last Sunday. So we met with his family this Sunday
and it was wonderful. It is a family of 5  ( which I have been praying
for since I got here) and we have another appointment this weekend.
Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers.

We had mission leadership council on Friday in Broomall. Right before
the meeting started Sister Anderson ,the mission President's wife,
asked sister Barnum and I to sing the song we sang last Sunday, at the
beginning of this meeting... Not again! It was a little better this
time though. Until she asked us to sing at this coming zone
conference! I don't know what these people are thinking. Oh well, I do
what I'm told.

Funny story time: this did not happen to me but a relative of a member
in the ward. The setting is in Germany. Not sure which mission. They were really
focusing on handing out Book of Mormons. They would keep track how
many each missionary would hand out. This one new missionary was
handing out 10x as much as everyone else. So the mission president
called him in to see why he was so successful. He asked him what he
said. It turns out that every time he walked up to someone he would
reach the Book of Mormon out to them and say: take this Book of Mormon
or I will punch you in the face:)
The funny this is this missionary was Huge.

I'm so excited for general conference!!!! Some of our investigators
will be experiencing it for the first time :)

Another cool thing from this week. My 3rd area, Milford, PA. I got to
go and drop something off for those sisters. I got to see the
wonderful buildings and houses that I drive by everyday. I've been
able to go back to 3/5 areas so far. One of them I am in right now so
that doesn't really count.

Have a great week! Remember to actually follow the prophet not just listen to him.


Sister Zeller

Abide with me... or not.

March 23, 2015

Hello everyone,

This week seemed like a break down week for a lot of people we work with. Everyone was cracking under family, church, work, and social pressures. It has been a draining week but those are always the most rewarding. 

There were three ladies in particular that we had these experiences with. One has been confined to her home for 6 months because of an unhealing wound, another was a new member of the church, and the last was a very distressed grandmother.  In these I am so grateful for the spirit, my testimony, and especially the Atonement of Jesus Christ. 

This quote from Elder Maxwell said it so perfectly.

Elder Neal A. Maxwell: “Christ’s victory over death ended the human predicament. Now there are onlypersonal predicaments, and from these too we may be rescued by following the teachings of him who rescued us from general extinction.”

Christ is the reason for our hope. Oftentimes I have heard people say on my mission that there is a light in our countenance. I believe it is because we have hope for a better tomorrow, that our wounds both spiritual and physical can be healed, that we can overcome any obstacle, and that no matter what we do we will always be cherished by our Heavenly Father. Because of this hope it leads us to act in faith: obedience to the commandments, service, church attendance, prayer, scripture study, etc. Then by personal experience and answers to our prayers we come to know that God really is there and because of Christ so many things are possible. 
I love my mission!

Yesterday Sister Barnum and I sang Abide with Me in sacrament meeting. Before the meeting the mission President and his wife surprised us by showing up. I swear everyone in the chapel could hear my heart beating. What is even more nerve racking is that we were singing it acapella. Afterwords everyone (of course because this ward is way too nice) said it was so beautiful. My companion said it best when she said "they may have felt the spirit, but we didn't!"( because we were so nervous). She also said " they would have come up and said how beautiful it was If we were both tone deaf.". I concur. I was waiting for Simon Cowell to pop out and say " that was terrible!" 
Haha just kidding. It really wasn't that bad... I hope. 

We haven't found any new investigators. It seems no one in this area is interested. I know that's not true. We just have to keep looking. Where is your hope Sister Zeller!?

This week really was a great week. We got to get to know members of the ward better, meet with less actives we haven't been able to meet with before, fed every single night ( it's like they are all trying to make sure I roll off the airplane), the cultural night in April is coming together. 

One miracle I would like to share! We are teaching a little Japanese lady English. Her American name is Amy. We invited her to present for Japan at the cultural night and she said no.... At first. Then we said we could find a interpreter and she said yes! It's a miracle! She has said no to every event we have invited her to. She is so tiny and adorable! I just want to learn Japanese! 

Have a great week everyone! 
Sister Zeller


March 16, 2015


This week was FULL of finding. I've never had an area where we tracted so much. We have practically been through all the people in the area book. The most effective thing at this point is to tract. Wow, I never thought I would say that. We have met some good people and we are finding a lot of potentials. 

On a particularly discouraging afternoon we saw a miracle. I was pretty down and then we talked to this guy walking his dog. He was so nice and open. He's from New York originally and he looks like rocky and has a great NY accent. It's awesome. His name is David. We invited him to the chili cook off the next day and he came! He actually came! The ward swarmed him! We gave him a chapel tour and  the members took it over ( it was a good thing though) and we barely said a word. Some other members volunteered to give him a ride to church and all this stuff.  he wanted to come to church but for some reason it didn't work out. We are going to follow up tonight. I just love this ward so much!!!

This week I was studying Enos in the Book of Mormon. I saw it in a different way than I ever have before! He talks about his father and the role he has been in his life. His dad has taught him well in the ways of the Lord. Enos wanted to know for himself and be forgiven. He showed forth his faith by praying all day and received a remission or forgiveness for his sins. I feel like that isn't that far away from my story. In fact it's very similar to many missionaries stories. I have been brought up by wonderful parents and had to find out for myself if this is true by acting on my faith. 

This week I also learned an interesting paradox: the mission is not about you yet it is all about YOU. 
It makes sense I promise. This scripture might make it clearer:

 Mark 8:35 "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it."

When you lose (become deeply absorbed in) your life for those you serve, that's when you truly find who you are and who you want to be. 

As I have strived my best to give everything I have to helping those around me I have truly found myself. Everyday I receive revelation and understanding of principles that otherwise might take years to understand. I feel like a big fat sponge. Trying to absorb it all in. 

I love this work. Pray that we will find people! We sure are. 

Sister Zeller

Miracle Week!

March 9, 2015

Hello everyone,

I am overcome with gratitude to Heavenly Father for this week. It was packed full of miracles and opportunities to act on faith. Life is SO GOOD!

Miracles this week: 
Driving to exchanges
Being with S. Kartchner
Meeting Jackie 
Being with S. Robison
Finding Danielle
Stopping by Albert Lawrence
Meeting that guy at Rita's who lives right next to the church
Catching the Lyons at home
Member present with Rick and Cristin
Kevin came to church and said we could meet with him
We had 11 lessons in 3 days
Elder Sanchez and Allred found set up an appointment and contacted potentials for us
Caught sister Diomedio outside and taught her
The Dyers came to PMG class
The spirit pierced the room in primary

I will tell you more in depth about a few!

The Spirit Pierced the Room in Primary: a sister in the ward asked us to fill in for primary pianist and chorister. Sister Barnum played the piano and I lead the music. I've never done that before. I was nervous but I like opportunities like that because they help me grow and rely on the Lord. It was a little chaotic at first. By the time senior primary came in I had a little bit a more handle on leading. They started to get rowdy after singing follow the prophet. The spirit prompted me to say "I want everyone to be as quite as they can be". They listened. It was quiet. I talked about the sacredness of the song "He Sent His Son". I told them to think of how much their families mean to them as they sang and if they did they would feel the spirit. We sang it. The spirit pierced the room. I asked the kids to raise their hands and tell the class how much their families meant to them. Some shared. I bore my testimony of Christ and eternal families. The room was still quiet and the spirit so strong. Then it was on to sharing time. Afterwords some of the primary leaders came up to us and said they had never seen the kids so quiet and the class so reverent. I had no idea how to get the kids to settle down but the spirit does and I trusted him to help me. Such a cool experience. 

Driving to exchanges:
Since the beginning of the transfer we were planning to double in to the Tunkhannock sisters area (it's like 2 hours from us). For one reason and another it never worked out. We are supposed to be done with exchange by the 5th week of the transfer and that was this past week so we absolutely had to go! We planned to drive up Tuesday night and exchange all of Wednesday. On Tuesday morning it started to snow hard. Apparently there was a storm coming in and it wasn't supposed to stop until that night. Tunkhannock is north of us and supposed to be worse. We prayed to know weather to start driving right then or to not go on exchanges that transfer.... We both felt like going. So we did. It seemed like all of these things were trying to stop us from going. Logically we should of stayed but as we drove we both felt peaceful about the decision so we kept going. The windshield wipers were TERRIBLE and I could not see. The roads were slick with snow. My knuckles were white and I was hunched over for two hours with my eyes glued to the road. The snow didn't stop the entire time... We made it there and the exchange were amazing! I learned so much from Sister Kartchner! She is one of the reasons I think I was sent to this area. Follow the spirit in faith because he knows way more than we do. Things always work out better that way.

Finding Albert Lawrence:
He is a less active in the ward that no one has ever heard of. He loves towards the top of the area and lives way out in the woods. Hasn't been home every time we stop by. We were coming home from exchanges and tried to see through the trees if any cars were there as we drove by. There was! Flipped a U and walked up the long road to his house. He is a 92 year old man living with his daughter. He used to be a missionary when he was young but now does not believe in religion. He welcomed us in with joy. It was a cool opportunity for sister Barnum and I to bare our testimonies of the gospel. It helped me realize how firm my testimony has become. I know these things are true. We will see him again this week and hopefully make some progress. 

Last miracle of all----> RITA'S has officially opened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gelati and blendinis for days! 

Sister Zeller

Full of Emotions!

March 2, 2015


I am so happy! I am so grateful I am a missionary. I love it. I can't imagine my life without it. I am working hard! I am definitely not a pro at being a missionary and I am far from perfect but I strive everyday to be better. I love getting out and doing things that are scary or uncomfortable because I know God sees my efforts. Like this past Saturday night it was cold beyond belief. We are desperately trying to find new investigators. After a dinner appointment we had  some time to either do a little more planning for next week or to go out and tract. The easier and more comfortable would be to finish planning. It's definitely a good thing to do. But I knew in my heart the best thing we could have been doing right then was to go knock on doors. My comp was not too excited but I knew it was the best thing we could do at that moment. I prayed so hard for a miracle, that someone would actually let us in. We shivered our way to the first door. This young mother answered the door and she was really nice. She said she had her own church and then something in her countenance changed and she said "do you want to come in and talk?". I am not exaggerating when I say that NEVER happens in this area. She let us in! Now she didn't say she wanted to be baptized  or anything but it truly was a miracle. I know Heavenly father blesses us for doing what we know is right even if it's hard. He totally loves me and heard my prayer!

I'm not going to lie it will definitely be good to see you and the family. of course i'm excited to actually relax and hold babies but I would not want to be anywhere else right now. I am going to use every single moment as a precious gift. 

This week flew by like every other one. Went on exchanges with a Sister who was born in New Zealand. She is so BOLD and very personable. I learned a lot from her. 
We got to do interviews with President Anderson on Thursday. He has put so much trust in me and that has been such a driving force to me throughout my mission. He is such a great man and really loves every missionary in this mission. 
We had a training for all the mission leaders on Friday. We each got a new iPad. They always leave a little time for testimonies. I got up and bore my testimony. It felt so good! I just can't keep to myself all the wonderful things I have learned. Then a few people later Sister Jolley got up and bore her testimony. She told the story of all the crazy hard things that happened to her on the plain ride to the mission and how she prayed so hard for a good trainer. Then she testified of how inspired it was that i was her trainer. Now, I don't mean to boast but we were both crying and it was one of those moments I will remember for a long time. Each of my 10 companions so far has been so inspired. 

I am all full of emotions this week. Grateful to my Father in Heaven for this opportunity to be a representative for his son Jesus Christ. How great is my calling!

Sister Zeller

Promptings and Explosions

February 24, 2015


This week felt like the shortest week of my mission. Some very exciting and wonderful things happened:

1. Had exchanges with the Stroudsburg sisters ( my first area) and I was with Sister Kinghorn ( a sister I came out with). It was so awesome to be back. Since I've been gone the ward has separated into 3 different wards. That night we went to the church and it was institute and mutual night. I walked through the doors and there he was! Daniel, my first baptism! He isn't even in that ward. He just happened to be there. Honestly, I almost gave him a hug but I constrained myself and stuck out my hand. It was SO good to see him. He is slowly but surely preparing for a mission. I got to see quite a few more of my favorite people. I will never forget that moment. 

While I was there I got to ask about many people that I worked with and give the missionaries some names to go see. I was really trying to figure out why God would send me back to two of my areas on exchanges. The Stroudsburg sisters told me that a random door that I had knocked on almost a year ago exactly, they have been working with. She has read the Book of Mormon and knows it's true. So another idea I had about why God did this is he knew I need the confirmation that obedience to those little promptings brings miracles sometimes way way way In the future. 

2. We had a conference yesterday in Broomall where Elder Evans of the 1st quorum of the seventy and Elder Allen of the 5th Quorum of the seventy addressed us. This mission got iPads 1 year ago and we have been "test dummies" so they can see all the quirks and get things ready to implement in most of the other missions. It was also the first time in 5 years the entire mission was together at one time. We received new guideline draft books that described how to proselyte online. We are the first mission on the earth to have received this training. Pretty cool. It was not just how to work online though. They brought it to the level of safeguarding us from the evils online for the rest of our lives. It was intense and amazing. I received so many answers to my prayers. It was definitely worth 4 hours of driving. 
We are getting new devices and our face books are being disabled until we go through all of the new phases. I am so EXCITED!!!! ( especially about not having to deal with Facebook for a while). 

3. Church on Sunday, again, was spectacular! I sang with the choir ( my comp. is sick so I had to be up there by myself:(), then the Bishop surprised me by calling me up to bare my testimony, and then I gave the closing prayer too. I was quite involved you could say. 
Relief society is where it's at! Every time I am in there I am constantly writing down so much revelation. Everyone in there is so converted. It's like a river flow of knowledge. 

I will share one story a sister shared about her sister in Boston or somewhere cold. Can't remember:

It was a snow storm. She got the prompting to visit her neighbor. She pushed it off. Again she got the prompting, this time she followed it. Suited up and trudged her way to her neighbors. After the visit she was on her way home. She looked up at her house and was puzzled. She has a new age kind of house where she has multiple fireplaces that hold up the home. There always has to be a fire going in them. She noticed that the smoke was white instead of black. She asked her husband and he called the experts. The expert called for assistance immediately. Apparently, the reason it was white was because it was slowly burning the insulation in their house. In a short time the house would've exploded. The expert was interested to know how they noticed because usually nothing seems amiss to the house owners until it's too late. 
I know that sometimes Heavenly Father gives us prompting for completely different reasons than we expect. Often times they happen  when we are willing to get up and serve others. We just have to trust Him. 

I love this ward and my companion! I love being a missionary! I love how real repentance is. Sometimes I find it easy to get on myself about everything I'm doing wrong. But I know the promise in Moroni 6:8 is real. I love this Gospel and the chance Heavenly Father has given me to truly change in this life and be worthy to live with him again. I'm so grateful for Jesus Christ and His willingness to perform the Atonement. 

I love you all too,
Sister Zeller

Eye hath not seen

February 17, 2015


This week was awesome! It included the coldest day in the history of PA? I wore 3 pairs of gloves. 4 layers on bottom. 5 on top. 3 scarves. We
looked ridiculous.

That was this Sunday. However, I'm in the most amazing ward ever.
Bishop Christensen wanted to see how many people came to church and
then they would judge if they had the rest of the meetings. Everyone
came. The overflow was open too. Church was still amazing. I have
learned so much from my Sunday meetings here. Everyone is so converted
to the gospel!

One thing I learned in Relief Society is that when we focus our mind
and goals on becoming like the Savior the cloud of darkness, sorrow,
negativity, being overwhelmed, and hurt sinks far below our vision.  I
loved the imagery she used. I have definitely seen that on my mission.

We were supposed to go on exchanges on Wednesday with the sisters
serving in Tunkhannock, which is like 2 hours from us. We went up this
crazy snowy hill ( it was awesome) and were about halfway there when
they called and said one of them was sick...... I've never had an
exchange cancel! Luckily we had some training we had to prepare for
the next day and it turned out to be a blessing.
We went to Scranton (what? The electric city!) zone training. We
planned to do a role play and I was the missionary in the role play. I
was very nervous for some reason. Sometimes I care too much what other
people are thinking of me. But I prayed really hard that all of that
would melt away and I could just teach with the spirit. The meeting
started and our part came up. My prayer was answered! Everything
worked out perfectly! Plus that zone is amazing.

We are working with a sweet less active named Sister Clift. She opened
up a lot the first week I got here and her heart has been softening.
We committed her to start reading 1 verse a day. It has made all of e
difference. We are hoping to help her get to church soon.

Investigators are pretty sparse. Which is confusing because this is
the most missionary minded ward I have ever been in.

For Valentine's Day, the idea came to mind to do some thing special
for all the widows and single ladies in the ward. We made sugar
cookies and wrote little notes. I will never forget the expression on
some of their faces when they saw us and the treats. They were so
grateful. I love being a testimony of God's love for people. There is
truly nothing like it.

Sister Barnum is still awesome. I love her a lot. While we were
washing the car it was turning to ice.

I love this gospel. It's hard to tell you how much I really mean that
through words in an email. The church is truly Christs church. The
blessings are real and abundant.
This scripture pierced my heart. 1 Corinthians 2:9 “eye hath not seen,
nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things
which God hath prepared for them that love him."
You can't even --imagine-- what God has planned for those of us that
are obedient! That blows me away.

I love you all. Have the best week of your life!


Sister Zeller