Sunday, April 12, 2015

Great Prayer and Fasting‏

August 21, 2015

What. a. week.
There was so much jam packed into this week I don't even know where to start. 

A miracle we saw of the spirit softening hearts was when we were strolling the streets of Emmaus, PA doing some stop by's. We all were working on making sure we talk to everyone and finding the prepared people. We saw these two girls cross the street and then saw them again when we were heading back to our car. We decided to just go up and talk to them before we went to our next appointment. This girl was freaked out. We introduced ourselves and she was so confused as to why we were talking to her. I suppose 3 girls coming up to you might be a little intimidating but we are nice! haha. We kept talking even though it was awkward and she asked us if we were trying to convert her. But, as we continued her heart softened and she really opened up! We were able to get her and her friends number and they mentioned the previous week that they wanted to get back into church. I love seeing people for their potential and not as their present state. Wahoo for the spirit and the atonement of Jesus Christ. 

We had 2 meetings this week one in which was Zone Conference!! This is one of those meetings you really look forward to. It's kind of a big deal. There was so much I learned about listening to the voice of the spirit, being able to find those who are prepared, using the Book of Mormon in our teaching, true meaningful prayer, and qualifications for baptism (I love studying about a broken heart and contrite spirit). One thing I really took out of the meeting was the section Sister Anderson prepared about prayer. She gave us 3 things to do when we pray: Pray, Ponder, and Meditate. I really needed some direction about that subject so I know her words were inspired. 

 This meeting lasts all day and includes lunch hosted by one of the surrounding wards. In this case it was provided by the Stroudsburg Spanish Branch!! Stroudsburg was my first area. While I've been out they seperated the Stroudsburg ward into 3 different units. Stroudsburg 1st ward, Stroudsburg 2nd ward, and Stroudsburg Spanish branch. Crazy stuff and they are all growing :) It was so nice to see my Latina's again because it was like seeing family again! Plus I missed their rice and beans :D

I have come to know the power of fasting and prayer in the past two weeks. President called us on Friday to tell Sister Simmons ,my companion, that her father was not doing well and he was in the hospital. He let her talk to her mom and hear what exactly was going on. He was diagnosed with cancer a 2 months before she left on her mission and things were starting to look bad at this point. We were all pretty torn up. But this much I do know! Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers. Sister Simmons began fasting that night(&also got a blessing from Brother Glaser) and when she finished the next day at lunch Sister Earl and I fasted until lunch the next day after church. It was a scary period but we all had faith that God would make sure things worked out. Every time the phone rang our hearts dropped not knowing if this was the bad news. After church on Sunday however, President called baring good news that things were going a lot better with Brother Simmons. Faith sufficient! We were all so relieved and all the blessings and details began to come together. Sister Simmons is one of the strongest people I have ever met. Her testimony is unshaken and her faith surpasses most. I look up to her a lot. 

Richard Walker was baptized this Sunday before we got the call. Everytime there is a baptism I truly feel the love of God. As I saw Rich there in white I was filled with the spirit. So many of the branch members were there and I have grown so much to love them. They do so much for the branch!!! At the end of the service Rich stood up and bore his testimony. He did such a good job and was glowing. He is amazing.

I love this work!!!! I love my companions! I love the power that comes from fasting! I love the Milford Branch!

and remember: "Visualize frequently your Celestial existence with your family in the eternities" - Keith Hillbig. You will be amazed at what you can withstand with this in mind.

Sister Zeller

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