Monday, April 20, 2015

Last email!

April 20, 2015

Cats out of the bag...

This is my last email...

I could be sad but I'm not. I am just the opposite. I am overjoyed that it was in the Lords plan for me to go on a mission. What a wonderful 18 months it has been. I could not be happier!

I could not be more grateful for the time I have spent in the PPM. I have grown so much and loved much more than I thought possible. The more I reflect, the more I see how much I've become the person I had hoped at the beginning. I am so happy I can say that. 
I love these people. I will pray for them. I will remember them. 
I love these missionaries. I will pray for them. I will remember them. 
I've had 10 companions, 5 areas. Each so inspired. 

It was not easy. Far from it. Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically draining.
I have felt my heart literally break and I have cried more than I care to admit. I have been stretched and pushed. That's the risk you have to be willing to make in the service of the Lord and it so worth it. 

Jesus Christ has saved me. He has delivered me from negative thoughts, agonizing pain, feelings of hopelessness and regret, danger, confusion, inadequacy, and falsehood. 

He has given me hope, joy, comfort, motivation, pure love, encouragement, and steps to improve. 
He has given me everything and because he has given me everything I must serve Him for the rest of my existence. 

The rules and expectations of my mission have become a part of me. I do them because I feel they are what is best and because I Love God. I am bold because I want other to know the truth clearly. I am loving because that is the essence of the gospel. I am virtuous because I want to stand pure before the Lord. 
I say these things with all my heart. 

I feel I have learned what He has wanted me to learn. I feel I have become what He has desired me to become. I feel I have helped those whom I was meant to help. I have given this my all. 

I know the journey is not over and I cannot wait to continue! The future is bright and I am ready to keep moving onward and upward. 
The most important thing at this point is to always " retain in remembrance" the things which I have learn. 
God is truly there. I know it. I love him. 

Thank you everyone for being so supportive and for the prayers. I have had so many good examples in my life to follow. 

But a special thank you to my mom, dad, and brothers and sisters. All of the words of encouragement helped me push a little further and face my fears! 

Thank you!

I love you and see you soon!

Sister Zeller

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