Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Lightning Scare

It's great to be alive! With the experience my companions and I had last night we almost weren't alive. It was definitely a night I will never forget. 

We had some serious memories this week. 

I had an amazing study this week on Hope. I never understood it because it's so closely related to faith. In District meeting however the Holy Ghost enlightened me. I realized that hope is the motivation and feeling. Faith is more the action. While you are taking steps of faith you are moving toward your hope. My hope is eternal life. My hope everyday is to find those the Lord has prepared. That's why I take a step of faith and talk to just one more person in the street. It's so clear to me now and I feel a little dumb for not realizing it before. Rich is amazing. He is progressing towards Aug 10th. Everything we teach him he understands. We taught him about callings and service this week and was a little nervous for the calling part but he is excited as well. The service part is easy for him. He is such a great guy already. One of the things i will hold in my memory forever is when we were driving home from church and we saw Rich on the side of the road helping this family change their tire in his nice shirt and tie. All three of us couldn't stop talking about how amazing he was the whole way home.We had a branch sports night on Friday playing volleyball and it was a hit! A lot of people came including Rich. The branch has made it a regular Friday event. I love sports!

Ready for some funny stuff?
We attended Pennsburg Assisted Living Center again this week and this was the most eventful visit yet. There is a lady there named Dollie who just loves to sing. When we got everyone around the table and all of their walkers out of the way she sang the Lord's prayer for us. Then she sang Over the Rainbow. Then she sang Amazing Grace. She is actually pretty good. During the first song another lady named Beverly would randomly say words to the tune. She started off with saying "resurection" and moved on to the dinner menu with "mac n' cheese, vegetables". Sister Simmons and I were barely able to contain our laughter. Later in the study that same Beverly stared intently at the ground and said " 2 aunt Betties".... two seconds later she continued "no, no. 3 Aunt Betties. Yea, 3 Aunt Betties". It is truly a privelege and blessing to work with them. 
Our investigator Jeff is not a small fellow. He loves his food. When we had dinner at a members house, the Glasers, we were talking about walking. Rich, our other investigator, loves to walk two miles a day. Jeff walked to his burger and said " I ain't walkin no where sunshine". Maybe you had to be there but I promise you it was hilarious. 

Last night was the night the Glasers had us over with our investigators Rich, Jeff, and Keith. We had dinner and watched a conference talk title "Be Strong and of Good Courage" from Priesthood session of this past conference. We taught the importance of following the prophet. Sister Glaser had taken the pathways program for BYU-I and was graduating. We felt it would be a good experience for our investigators to go so after the lesson we traveled to Kutztown. When we left the building after the ceremony it was raining. Thunder storm raining.Our investigators and brother Glaser took a different car from us and Sister Glaser( we had the BMW ;). They left a little sooner than we did. As we drove back to her house (which was in the middle of no where. and by no where I mean cornfields). The thunder and lighting was exciting at first. I had my camera out and got so many amazing videos. We continued to drive and soon realized we had driven right into the middle of the storm. There was lightning striking on both sides of us. The first giant crack of lightning happened directly above us. Not the normal bright as day but completely purple and similar to a giant hand. I thought I got hit for a second and we were all screaming. haha it was actually very exciting. The thunder was sooo loud and my companions were flipping out. We got back to the  Glasers and had do drive another 20 minutes home. We sang hymns the whole way home. Most memorable wonderful crazy night!

Miracles to come. Stay tuned for next week. 
I am loving life ( and being alive). I am loving missionary life and although I miss my family I wouldn't trade this experience for anything. I love you all and have a great week, especially everyone in Vegas!!!love,
Sister Zeller

Matching my companions at volleyball. Sister Earl on bottom right and Sister Simmons on top.

 We heart attacked a lady in our ward who is having a hard time :)

Sister Glaser at her graduation

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