Sunday, April 12, 2015

Miracle Week!

March 9, 2015

Hello everyone,

I am overcome with gratitude to Heavenly Father for this week. It was packed full of miracles and opportunities to act on faith. Life is SO GOOD!

Miracles this week: 
Driving to exchanges
Being with S. Kartchner
Meeting Jackie 
Being with S. Robison
Finding Danielle
Stopping by Albert Lawrence
Meeting that guy at Rita's who lives right next to the church
Catching the Lyons at home
Member present with Rick and Cristin
Kevin came to church and said we could meet with him
We had 11 lessons in 3 days
Elder Sanchez and Allred found set up an appointment and contacted potentials for us
Caught sister Diomedio outside and taught her
The Dyers came to PMG class
The spirit pierced the room in primary

I will tell you more in depth about a few!

The Spirit Pierced the Room in Primary: a sister in the ward asked us to fill in for primary pianist and chorister. Sister Barnum played the piano and I lead the music. I've never done that before. I was nervous but I like opportunities like that because they help me grow and rely on the Lord. It was a little chaotic at first. By the time senior primary came in I had a little bit a more handle on leading. They started to get rowdy after singing follow the prophet. The spirit prompted me to say "I want everyone to be as quite as they can be". They listened. It was quiet. I talked about the sacredness of the song "He Sent His Son". I told them to think of how much their families mean to them as they sang and if they did they would feel the spirit. We sang it. The spirit pierced the room. I asked the kids to raise their hands and tell the class how much their families meant to them. Some shared. I bore my testimony of Christ and eternal families. The room was still quiet and the spirit so strong. Then it was on to sharing time. Afterwords some of the primary leaders came up to us and said they had never seen the kids so quiet and the class so reverent. I had no idea how to get the kids to settle down but the spirit does and I trusted him to help me. Such a cool experience. 

Driving to exchanges:
Since the beginning of the transfer we were planning to double in to the Tunkhannock sisters area (it's like 2 hours from us). For one reason and another it never worked out. We are supposed to be done with exchange by the 5th week of the transfer and that was this past week so we absolutely had to go! We planned to drive up Tuesday night and exchange all of Wednesday. On Tuesday morning it started to snow hard. Apparently there was a storm coming in and it wasn't supposed to stop until that night. Tunkhannock is north of us and supposed to be worse. We prayed to know weather to start driving right then or to not go on exchanges that transfer.... We both felt like going. So we did. It seemed like all of these things were trying to stop us from going. Logically we should of stayed but as we drove we both felt peaceful about the decision so we kept going. The windshield wipers were TERRIBLE and I could not see. The roads were slick with snow. My knuckles were white and I was hunched over for two hours with my eyes glued to the road. The snow didn't stop the entire time... We made it there and the exchange were amazing! I learned so much from Sister Kartchner! She is one of the reasons I think I was sent to this area. Follow the spirit in faith because he knows way more than we do. Things always work out better that way.

Finding Albert Lawrence:
He is a less active in the ward that no one has ever heard of. He loves towards the top of the area and lives way out in the woods. Hasn't been home every time we stop by. We were coming home from exchanges and tried to see through the trees if any cars were there as we drove by. There was! Flipped a U and walked up the long road to his house. He is a 92 year old man living with his daughter. He used to be a missionary when he was young but now does not believe in religion. He welcomed us in with joy. It was a cool opportunity for sister Barnum and I to bare our testimonies of the gospel. It helped me realize how firm my testimony has become. I know these things are true. We will see him again this week and hopefully make some progress. 

Last miracle of all----> RITA'S has officially opened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gelati and blendinis for days! 

Sister Zeller

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