Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Go away snow we have work to do!‏

Don't get me wrong, I still love snow! It just needs to calm down so we can actually do our job and change people's lives.

We didn't get to email yesterday because President Anderson said we were not allowed to drive. Luckily some members let us use their house for laundry. We didn't get a chance to email so we get to do it today instead. 

This week was quite the week! We got so much stuff done. We finally got out to the nether most parts of our ward boundaries to see a less active family. We got to teach them about faith and challenge them to read the BOM. They have like 20 different animals in their home and one of them is a huge BIRD> ew. Apparently its supposed to live to 100 so they are going to pass it off through the kids. I guess that's pretty cool. 
The Stroudsburg ward is starting to catch the wave! A few of the members are showing us up in missionary work. ha ha. We went to dinner with the best of 'em last night. Her name is Sister Wheelis and when we were leaving the restaurant she gave a pass along card to a couple sitting near us. It was awesome and she did it even though she was nervous. What a trooper! Mom and dad, you have to meet her! There are a lot of people you have to meet. 
I can't believe the Seahawks won! No expected that over here. 

 In PMG it says that when your humble you can see your weaknesses better- well I guess I'm humble because I am far from the perfect missionary. There are so many things I need to work on. But the words "He qualifies those he calls" are proven to me over and over again. They have given me a lot of comfort this week. I have literally seen my weaknesses become strengths. My teaching skills have improved immensely. I can teach with power, love, and simplicity. Obviously I have a lot of work to do but I have taken leaps and bounds from where I was. 
I know that the Lord is always watching over me. But more importantly he is using me as an instrument in his hands to help other people. We were on Facebook (this is a Facebook mission) the other day and I had the random thought to ask a member to go teaching with us that night. I did and she promptly accepted (miracle in itself). We didn't get a chance to plan what we were teaching Danielle, an investigator, so I had to follow the Spirit completely. I started turning to a scripture about God's love and then 2 Nephi 32:9 caught my attention. I recognized it as the Spirit and just did it. The lesson was on prayer. It was a great lesson and we had a kneeling prayer at the end by Danielle. That Sunday was Testimony meeting and the member went up. She talked of her experience with us a couple nights prior and said that God always knows what we need. She said that prayer was exactly what she needed to hear and going out with the missionaries is such a blessing. It was so amazing. I love seeing confirmations by the Spirit that what I do and those random thoughts I follow really do benefit the people around me. More often than not we don't see the fruits of our labors. Heavenly Father knows that sometimes you just need to. 
We had the opportunity to teach Relief Society and teach about....wait for it... missionary work! Surprise! ha ha. It was a great chance to make the Sisters realize the importance and help them catch the wave. 
I am so blessed to serve in the best mission in the world. I am so blessed with loving friends and family supporting me and the missionary effort. I love you all and keep on inviting everyone. 
Doubt not, fear not.
Sister Zeller
They love to hunt here. This is in someone's basement.

 Goofing around.

The bird. (Don't be fooled. I was scared to death.)

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