Monday, August 4, 2014

Where is your treasure?

What a week, what a week.....week of miracles!
In all my missionary service I have never been so busy! We have appointments all day everyday and it is simply amazing. I am called to teach and that is exactly what I have been doing. So many funny things happen everyday so I thought I would share a few!
We do a bible study at an assisted living center every Sunday and there is always something funny that happens. You can count on it. This time we taught about the 10 lepers from Luke 17 and helped them understand how many blessings they have been given. They are all a little nuts. While we were teaching one of the ladies kept randomly asking if anyone had seen her shoes and she kept saying she lost them. La Vern is the only one in the group who hasn't lost her marbles and she kept saying "No Betty you didn't lose your shoes the nurse has them". Man, I just love them.
We are teaching a guy named Paco who speaks very little English but loves talking about God. Paco is from Peru and sinse he doesn't speak a lot of English he kind of has to act out what he is trying to say. He likes to talk a lot and everytime one of us would talk he would start talking about who knows what in Spanglish.  At one point he was talking about how all the teenagers do drugs and then Sister Earl said "Paco, we don't do drugs." Then he said "Ooooooh!" and looked really relieved. Aparently he though we did drugs! hahah.
There is a very sweet fellow named Brother Crutiss who lives an a different assisted living center. He ios about 83 and intently listens to every word you say and really analyzes you. About half way through our lesson he looks at me and says: "You can be trouble. You are a good girl, yous all are (referring to my companions).. but you(me) can be trouble". we laughed a little then continued and as we were leaving he held my handshake a little longer and said" now you stay out of trouble".
Earlier with the same brother Sister Earl tripped on her shoe a little and he said "are you tipsy?" haha. I love that man.
On a more serious note.
Church this Sunday was so filled with the Spirit. There was a young couple who spoke named the Waters. Sister Waters is from Austrailia :) She spoke about the talk titled:" Where Your Treasure Is". She did really well and asked the question --> Write down a list of things that are most important to you. What are you doing each day to build or contribute to those things? It really struck me. Most people would name things that are most important to them like God, family, friends, etc. Well that is great. Then the next question of what you do each day to build or contribute to those things is the real kicker. I encourage all of you to find ways to focus on your priorities and let all the little things that don't matter fall to the side.
This week was very rewarding. We have continued to teach our investigators Rich (who is getting baptized on Aug 10), Keith, and Jeff. They are all amazing!!! Rich is so solid and just understands then lives whatever we teach him. He knows everything  is true and he is at church every Sunday. We see them all on a daily basis which has never happened before. I love Milford, PA!
Sister Simmons and Sister Earl are the bees knees! We all get along so well and we have a great desire to be obedient and work hard. We love to laugh! You really have to sometimes as a missionary.
Love you all and have a grrrrrrreat week,
Sister Zeller

God Bless America!

What an amazing week this was! There are so many things that have happened this week including transfer calls. Sadly, I am getting transferred tomorrow morning. I have no idea where I am going or who I will be with but stay tuned for next week :) Dover has a huge place in my heart.

Something I learned this week: Anyone can be ready for the gospel. We have an investigator named Chrissy who lives in the ghetto and we drop by her house a lot. Her next door neighbor is always on the porch kind of glaring at us. We always say hi but she never says anything back. Well on Tuesday when we stopped by and Chrissy wasn't home we started to write her a note. Then the lady on the porch next door asked us what we do. We told her how we help families and she said "well, ya'll need to come over her and help my family!". haha it was so funny. We went over and taught her and she is a new investigator. You never know who is ready! It might be the lady who gives you the stink eye!

We got to teach a lot of less actives this week. One in particular, Sister Love, had a lot of misconceptions about the church and forgot a lot of the teachings. For some reason afterwords Sister Jolley and I didn't have the spirit. If you don't know this already, nothing gets done in missionary work without the spirit! You must have it constantly if you want to serve. Well we tried to find a potential investigators house and it didn't exist. We said a prayer in the middle of the sidewalk. In my head I was pleading with Heavenly Father for a miracle! I told him we are so obedient and we are just trying to help His children. Just give us a miracle. We started walking down the street seeing which house the spirit wanted us to knock at. We saw these amazing flowers and decided to knock at this door. The lady came out and she was awesome! She had met with 2 sets of missionaries before! What are the odds. She was no where in the area book. Diana. Sister Jolley and her golden have an appointment this Friday with her. 

We had a meeting with all the zones in Delaware on Friday. The STL's took all the sisters into a room to teach us seperatly. They taught us about our worth. I didn't realize how much I needed the words they spoke. They taught us that our [great] worth is set. It will never change. No matter numbers ( weight, baptisms, lessons, zits on our face). None of that matters because it doesn't effect our worth. The only things that matters is our commitment to do the Lord's work. That's what makes us a successful missionary. 
Same with member missionaries. You can't mesure your's success by the outcome. The fact that you invited is the only thing that matters. Christ provided us with the atonement. When people don't accept and use that atonement, does that mean He failed? Nope. Same with our invitations.

Hope 4th of July was fabulous! All the missionaries got to stay out until 10!!! SO late!

One more quick funny story. 
Fast Sunday this Sunday. Super nervous to go up and bare my testimony (thought my mission would help with that...guess not). Waited till the last minute and walked up while the last lady was talking. Sat down on the stand. Once you are up there you have to talk right? wrong. Bishop Harrison stood up and closed the meeting and I was just sitting there!!!!! hahaha according to the members I looked pretty surprised. Everyone was smiling. hahaha after the meeting Bishop came up to me and said he didn't see me and he felt so bad. I suppose it didnt help anything when I told him I was being transferred. He felt SO BAD! He made up for it by feeding us dinner. I am going to miss him and the ward. Truly is the promised land down here. DON'T PROCRASTINATE!

Happy 4th and Shout out to Elder Joey Tanner! FB friends :) He is just right above me. 

Sister Zeller


Hello everyone,

Go USA!!!! Wahooo!!!!!!!
Anyway, the gospel. 

This week was a little slower than most but there are always shining moments :) The amazing new investigator William that we met last week we were able to teach him again this week. The more we teach him the apparent it is to us that he has truly been prepared by the Lord to receive this message. We emphasized different ways to invite the Holy Ghost in your life and one that we talked about was through reading the Book of Mormon. He picks up the book and says "man! I need to read this!" haha. almost cried. Towards the end of the lesson he slid The Book of Mormon to us and said "Mark something for me to read". He has no idea how happy he is going to be. 

We met with Ieshia again this week and gave her a tour of the church. She loved it! When we went into the Chapel for the last stop in the tour she looked at us and said she had goose bumps. Sister Jolley has grown so much these past three months and it was very apparent in that moment. The member we brought with us even said so after the lesson. It is such a privilege to train her. We invited her to church on Sunday and she didn't make it. again :/

We are teaching some girls in the ghetto part of town and it is the coolest thing!!! It is hard when you teach people and they don't really have a desire to learn and find out for themselves if it's true. However, Chrissy and her niece definitely have that desire!!! They want and need something so bad. We invited them to volleyball tonight with the YSA and they are on track to come. Amazing things are in store for them and we can't wait. 

cool experience: We started volunteering at the public library in the job center. I went over to this lady in the corner to see if she needed some help. She did and so I started helping her. Then she noticed my nametag and started asking all these questions. She was so intrigued and found out we believe a lot of the same stuff. She was the coolest lady. I know you probably don't think this is that cool but I don't have enough time to explain any more. Just believe me! haha

Love you all and route for U.S.A!!!!
Sister Zeller

P.s. Went to Rehoboth beach today with a member. One of the hot spots here in Delaware. Got to see the Delaware Bay. This state is so tiny! There are only 3 counties. Not sure how many of you know this but I really really love America but I also really really love Britain. Sister Howard turned around in the car after I freaked out about the cool restaraunt in the picture and said " Choose this day whom ye will serve Sister Zeller." haha too good. 

The people of Dover continue to amaze me!

Bonjour!!! So many wonderful people that I love so dearly. Here is a list of them that we saw this week.
 There is a lovely lady named Liz who lives here in Dover. She is in her early 20's and has been a member for just less than a year. She is inspiring! The only member in her family and in her college. She asked us to teach her and it has been amazing to so her growth and progression. We spent a lot of our Pday with her today. She made us lunch and gave us a tour of the college. She is such a light to those around her and she has no idea!

Jesse is father we saw this week who is not active in the church. He is married to a wonderful born again Christian lady and they have a little boy. They invited us over for dinner and we were able to have an amazing conversation about our Heavenly Father and his love for all of us. I feel the importance of uniting with those who believe in Christ especially in this day and age. The spirit was so strong as we shared our beliefs. Hopefully we will see them again soon.

Tabaris & Sharnette are a part-member family. Tabaris stands at about 6"7 and was a convert at a young age. Sharnette has some reservations for the church but still let us come and teach them. She was very stand off-ish as the lesson began and wouldn't even look at us. I love opportunities like this to exercise my faith and see the spirit soften her heart. We started off with singing them a song which always brings the spirit. She relaxed a little. I felt the prompting to bare testimony of God's love for us and the spirit was even stronger. We taught them the restoration and asked her what was going through her head. She finally opened up and began to pour out her concerns and beliefs to us as she cried. The spirit truly touched her heart and she agreed to read the Book of Mormon and have us back this week. I love being a missionary. I know none of that miracle happened because of me but because of the spirit. I'm just lucky enough to be a part of this great work.

The Relief Society councilor asked us to give the lesson this past Sunday in Relief Society. We gladly excepted and were assigned to ch.10 from the Joseph Fielding Smith book: Our Search for Truth. I'm not sure why but I got a little nervous before the lesson and prayed for the words to help the ladies in some way. Of course, he helped out a lot and the lesson went so well. The women in this ward are simply remarkable and everyone participated. The Spirit filled the room and did I mention I love being a missionary? For the first time in my life I LOVE to teach and especially to testify. 

The last person I want to mention is a recent convert of about 6 months named Foster. He is from Ghana and he and his wife are the cutest thing. As we sat in Gospel Principles talking about our loving Heavenly Father the teacher asked the question: "Who is the happiest person in the Universe?". Foster, who doesn't talk much, sincerely explained "I am". Everyone kind of laughed but he was completely serious. He went on to say ", I have the gospel in my life and my family. What more could I want?". It was the most sincere comment and made us all step back for a second. I want to invite you all to step back and see the beauty in your life. We have the gospel and our families. What more could we want?

I love you all and encourage you to be the happiest person in the universe,
Love Sister Zeller